Thursday, 5 April 2012


Double Sided Debate

For every woman tired of been a weak person when she knows she is strong
There is a man tired of looking Strong when he is Vulnerable

For every woman that is tired of looking Foolish There is a man Tired of people expecting him to know everything

For every woman tired of being called an emotional female,
There is a man tired of the denial of the right to be cry & be tender

For every woman that is tired of being used as a Sexual Object,
There is a man tired of being concerned about his virility

For every woman tired of being called not Fiminine because she is competeitive
There is a man tired of competing as the only way to prove his masculinity

For Every woman tired of being tied to her children,
There is a man tired of being denied the pleasure of Paternity

For every woman tired of being denied a satisfying job or a fair salary,
There is a man tired of being responsible for another Human Being

For every woman tired of being denied training in the Mechanical details of her car
There is a mantired of not been trained in the Joy of Knowing how to cook

For every woman who has ventured a step towards her own liberation
There is a man who realises that the way to Freedom has become easier

from"Agenda 1979" published by the Latin American Women's Ecumenical Council
"Women's Lib is also Men's Lib"
And given to me by my friend and Mentor, Rev. Ernest Baker

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